What goes where?

HTML specifies lots of rules for what goes where and why it goes there (but not there!). You can see those rules in full effect here: http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/. In particular, this page is a simplified and expanded version of: http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/common-models.html. That page isn't all too complicated to begin with, so you could look at that if you think i'm wrong about anything.

Good Luck


The html element can contain the following elements


The html element usually has the lang attribute.


The head element can contain the following metadata elements that describe the web page


The body element can contain the following elements, typically referred to as flow elements.

h1-h6, p, ul/ol

These flow elements can contain the following elements, which are typically called phrasing elements.

a, strong, em, text

These phrasing elements below can contain other phrasing elements and text (but not themselves), so you can't put a link inside a link or a strong inside a strong, but you can put a link inside an em.

Just like in grammar, you can't have a phrase without a sentence, so these elements always appear within flow elements like p, h1-h6, and li.


The li element is special because it can contain nearly everything else that could go inside a webpage, i.e. flow elements alongside phrasing elements.

Soon we'll see other containers like this (section, header, footer and div) that act like flow content containers


The li element is special because it can contain nearly everything else that could go inside a webpage, i.e. flow elements alongside phrasing elements.

Soon we'll see other containers like this (section, header, footer and div) that act like flow content containers