div id="container" class="first"

div id="intro" class="first"

h1 texth1

div id="intro_text" class="first"

Paragraph introducing the page. Here's what a link looks like this is not a link, it's an anchor

  • ul
  • small list
  • with two items

try to keep it short.

This is a paragraph that has a quote in it: i'm a quote! i'm a veerrrrrrryyyyyy long quote that just won't stop going on and on and on...

Blockquotes are usually indented, they are also block level elements. They are for holding longer quotes that are longer than a sentence.
this is preformatted         text. Use the 'pre' tag to make more like it

this is code like text in a document within a paragraph.

div id="main_content"

div class="subhead first"

heading twoh2 class="first"

div class="copy first"

This is a paragraph for this stylesheet. Multiple paragraphs need to be inside of a div with class="copy"

Here is a second paragraph. It probably does not look like the first

H2 tags go outside of the copy class. They are siblings of each other.

another 2nd level headingh2

div class="copy"

This is a paragraph for this stylesheet. Multiple paragraphs need to be inside of a div with class="copy"

Here is a second paragraph. It probably does not look like the first

H2 tags go outside of the copy class. They are siblings of each other.

div class="subhead"

another h2h2 class="first"

div class="copy first"

You'll notice that this stylesheet allows you to use multiple subhead divs (this is because subhead is a class)

  • ul
  • Here is another list
  • Except it's inside a copy div